Why Naked Yoga?
Moving without clothes offers another layer to a typical practice by taking all physical and energetic layers off your body. Sometimes nudity holds lots of information; we are completely exposed not only to others, but to ourselves. Typically the lower third of your torso is kept hidden and private for a variety of reasons. Nudity encourages you to become more conscious in all areas of your body, mind, and heart to help build your confidence, increase the intimacy with yourself, and to explore the full-spectrum of your life. For some insightful perspectives on body issues, view The Naked Truth on YouTube.
I’m reluctant to attend because of my body shape, size, age.
Body shapes, sizes, and ages very greatly in each class. Most everyone have at least one thing that they would like to change about their body. It’s all a practice not a perfect. There is a saying, “Whatever is in the way, is the way.” Sometimes just showing up and sitting on your mat in class is the hardest step, but for those who have done this work, it often proves to be a source of positive body image reinforcement. Even if doing this just gives you a new point of reference like, “I didn’t die”, that’s a win over the negative self-talk that can limit your learning through experiences.
I am working with an injury. Should I take class?
Sorry to hear this! Tantra encourages you to play with your edges, but you also don’t want to go too far too fast too soon. If you modify the postures to work for you, your body will respond favorably. If you push or muscle through exercises, you’ll be at risk of aggravating the injury. In class, modify. Self-tend 100%. Listen to the feedback from your body. Over time, not only will you have a good chance of moving through the injury, but you’ll also be learning how to have patience, kindness, and care toward yourself.
What if I get an erection?
Moving without clothes spreads your sexual energy around. Instead of being focused on one area of your body, once class begins, the postures demand your attention which makes it more difficult to focus on anything else. Yes, erections happen, but that’s one of the reasons nudity is a great equalizer and a great energizer. There is less power to the genitals alone and more overall ability to accept yourself in the moment.
What if I know someone in class?
Great! You’ll have more to talk about. The class container is created to be safe and private. All sorts of people attend class (straight, gay, bisexual, trans, curious, married, single, younger, older, skinny, larger, local, visitors). Community is built on trust and respect for each other.
Do I take a class or a private lesson?
This is up to you. If class feels right, just do it. If you would like a more discreet environment, take a private lesson. Sometimes people want to “break the ice” through a private lesson, and then they go to class. Sometimes people come to class, and then they want more details about their practice so they take private lessons. The private lessons are just focused on you, which is helpful for detailed self-study. The group classes give different stimulation because you work solo and with others. Follow your instincts towards what makes you curious and comfortable.
How do I prepare for class or a private lesson?
Stay curious. Since you know you’ll be moving in a group or private lesson soon, explore yoga and other mind/body formats on YouTube, books, or the internet. Practice is a living, breathing organism that gets fed through your life experience and information that arises when you listen for guidance. Styles of practice are specific to individual tastes. Start by considering what attracts you to naked vs. clothed classes, and go from there. Enjoying this process is important; you should never endure. Choose pleasure in this process of your advancing wholeness.
If you have any specific questions Matt might be able to help you with regarding naked yoga, contact Matt.